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Attorneys from Pullman & Comley’s Real Estate, Municipal Law, and Property Tax and Valuation practices will address challenges faced by businesses and commercial landlords in the firm’s Responding to COVID-19 Webinar Series Part VIII: Reopening Connecticut: What Commercial Landlords and Tenants Should Know Now and in the Months Ahead on Wednesday, May 27, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


As Connecticut begins the process of reopening this week, commercial landlords and tenants alike face a range of questions about getting safely back to work.  At the same time, many are continuing to grapple with how best to work together at a time when all are under financial stress; navigate the host of governmental initiatives that offer some relief; and understand the “new normal” of what the future may hold for the real estate market. Topics to be discussed on the May 27 webinar will include:

  • Zoning and other legal issues relating to the opening of outdoor restaurants
  • Post-pandemic landlord liability issues
  • The changing workplace and its impact on commercial leases
  • How the tax relief programs work as laid out in Governor Lamont’s executive orders
  • Potential impact of crisis on current and future property values
  • Outlook for 2020 revaluations
  • Potential impact of New York exodus on the Connecticut real estate market


The webinar will update and expand a previous webinar for commercial landlords and tenants seeking mutually beneficial compromises. Pullman & Comley’s COVID-19 webinar series and resource guide has addressed many key issues for businesses such as maintaining a safe and effective work environment while reopening and how healthcare organizations can achieve telehealth compliance.


Registration for the webinar is free, but it is required to access the event. Register for the program here.


There will be time for Q&A at the end of the webinar. Questions should be sent in advance to


Visit Pullman & Comley’s FOCUS: Responding to COVID-19 for a continuously updated resource of Pullman & Comley advisories on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, including recordings of all prior webinars in this series.