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November 13, 2020 The Critical Need for the New Collar Workforce EXPERIENCE the Digital Summit Friday, November 13, 2020

MakerspaceCT hosts NEMS 2020

“The Critical Need for the New Collar Workforce”

The New Collar Workforce combines new technological skills and traditional trades, the key to tomorrow’s innovation workforce, providing digital credentials upon completion.

The realignment of the educational infrastructure allows for greater attainability and a more diversified talent pool. Through a new digital credentialing system, individuals will be able to up their game by enrolling in short, high impact classes earning stackable credentials.

Manufacturers such as IBM, Trumpf, and Google have already been using a digital credentialing system, recognizing a method of viable labor development in a more attainable time span. Currently, 10-15% of US-based jobs at IBM are filled by individuals without a traditional 4-year degree.

In the next ten years, production line jobs will rise in demand by 20-30%; manufacturers must continue to recognize a variety of methods in workforce development to meet demand.

New England Maker Summit 2020 will discuss what manufacturers are looking for, how this evocative delivery system and other educator solutions work, how this will impact the workforce pipeline, hiring process, and what we have learned and implemented in the wake of the global pandemic.